Are you in the mood for something delicious, filling, and flavorful that is also vegan? You only need to check out our delicious recipe for Kimchi Fried Rice! This vegan takes on a traditional favorite blend the savory richness of fried rice with the rich and tangy taste of kimchi, making for a satisfying and enjoyable lunch for everybody. Let’s get into the specifics of this easy yet delicious meal.

kimchi fried rice vegan


1.    Cooked Rice:

  • To get the greatest texture, start with three cups of cooked rice, preferably one day old.

2.    Kimchi without dairy:

  • Use one cup of finely minced vegan kimchi. You may prepare vegan kimchi at home or get it at your neighborhood grocery shop.

3.    Produce:

  • One cup of mixed veggies (corn, peas, and carrots are good choices).
  • One medium onion, cut coarsely.

4.    Enhancers of Flavor:

  • Three teaspoons (make sure vegan) of soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon sesame oil.
  • 1 tablespoon gochujang (Korean red pepper paste).
  • One teaspoon of maple syrup or agave nectar.
  • To taste, add salt and pepper.

5.    Accessory:

  • Sesame seeds and sliced green onions for garnish.


1.    Getting ready:

  • Make sure that every item is prepared and chopped.
  • Spread the freshly cooked rice out on a tray to allow it to cool and slightly dry out.

2.    Cooked Vegetables:

  • A big pan or wok should be heated to medium-high heat.
  • After adding some oil, sauté the chopped onion until it becomes transparent.
  • When the mixed veggies are crisp-tender, add them and simmer.

3.    Include Kimchi:

  • Add the chopped vegan kimchi and continue cooking for a further two to three minutes so that the flavors can combine.

4.    Magic of Fried Rice:

  • Break up any clumps of cooked rice before adding it to the pan.
  • Over the rice, drizzle the agave syrup, gochujang, sesame oil, and soy sauce.
  • To make sure the rice is cooked through and covered evenly, thoroughly mix.

5.    The Perfect Season:

  • To taste, add salt and pepper for seasoning. If necessary, adjust the flavorings.

6.    Serve and garnish:

  • For a pop of color and texture, scatter chopped green onions and sesame seeds over the top.
  • Warm up your vegan kimchi fried rice and savor the harmonious blend of tastes!


Make this dish using cooked rice, vegan kimchi, a variety of vegetables, and sweet agave syrup, soy sauce, and sesame oil to create a symphony of tastes. Sesame seeds and green onions provide a flash of color and texture as the last touches.


Sauté veggies, toss in vegan kimchi, then add cooked rice for the magic to emerge. Once you season and garnish, you have a flavorful vegan treat that is sure to wow your palate!


taste the deliciousness of this vegan kimchi fried rice, where each bite is a pleasant blend of acidic, spicy, and savory flavors. This dish is not only simple to prepare but also a hit with guests, making it ideal for a fast weekday supper or a tasty lunch. Take your plant-based cooking to the next level with this delicious take on a traditional recipe!



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